Field Trips & Webinars


All events are complete for 2024. Check back for more offerings. 
Kentucky Prescribed Fire Council's 2024 Field Trips

August 8th, 2024 

Implementation of Prescribed Fire on Ft. Campbell in Forested Stands
Fort Campbell Army Installation. KY/TN

The Fire Council's  I&E Committee coordinated with the Forestry Department of Fort Campbell Army Installation to host an educational workshop on Fort Campbell's forest and grassland management and the use of prescribed fire to promote habitat for federal trust species, oak regeneration, and timber stand improvement. Fire Council members representing federal, state, and private entities were in attendance. Fort Campbell Army Installation stretches over 105,000 acres across the TN/KY border and this workshop was a chance to highlight and collaborate on natural resource management for the site.


October 2nd, 2024

Prescribed Fire and Native Seed Production
Roundstone Native Seed LLC. Upton, KY
This Workshop was held in collaboration with the Kentucky Prescribed Fire Council and Roundstone Native Seed. Participants had the opportunity to tour Roundstone's native prairie restoration sites and seed production fields, while also networking with diverse conservation partners and private landowners. The workshop aimed to promote understanding and enhance collaboration on the use of ecologically based prescribed fire in the state.